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Prospective Trainees

Varied Experiences

We believe that the key to outstanding teacher training is providing the most varied experiences for our trainees. We have a rich and broad curriculum to ensure you experience every aspect of teaching

From placements in Africa, to experiencing classrooms in remote or disadvantaged areas of this country, we are committed to broadening the experiences of our trainees to allow them to become the best teachers they can be.

Visionary Teachers

We recruit trainee teachers with the vision to see how their experience and talents can help shape the future of education and the futures of the young people they hope to teach.

As a teacher training provider we are committed to training the next generation of visionary teachers. We achieve this through our excellent and varied training programme which utilises both the expert knowledge of our team along with that of skilled practitioners currently working in the education sector.

We are constantly evaluating our training programme to stay up to date with all developments in educational practice.

By choosing to train with BPSCITT you can be assured that you will be taking your first step on your journey to becoming a visionary teacher.

Valued Individuals

We know that the decision to embark on teacher training is an important one which is why we have designed a programme that focuses on the individual.

We value the experience you bring to the classroom.  Our course is not a 'one size fits all approach'. We look at your experience, strengths and areas for development and shape the course around you creating a bespoke programme to suit you.. Whether looking for a suitable placement school or planning your training needs, every part of the course is matched to your needs

We place a great deal of importance on the wellbeing of our trainees. From the day you start the course, to the day you finish and beyond,  you can be assured that our team will support you every step of the way.